General Information

CFOSAT (The China France Oceanography SATtellite) was launched on October 29th 2018 with the two radar instruments SWIM and SCAT on board. Since the launch of CFOSAT, continuous improvements have been brought to the SWIM and SCAT products to guarantee the best quality of the data. The International Science Team has been renewed in 2023. After three years of virtual meetings due to the pandemic situation, we are happy to organize the 4th meeting of the Science Team with real presence of participants.

Members of the International Science Team are highly encouraged to participate to this fourth meeting of the CFOSAT Science Team, which will take place from 28 to 30 November 2023 in Nanjing (China), at the Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology.

The objective of the meeting is to share at the international level the most recent results based on CFOSAT observations.

It will also help to provide scientific advices to the space agencies in charge of the CFOSAT mission, on the data quality, instrument modes of operations and mission centers products.

Abstract submission and regsitration are now closed.

The preliminary program is now available (see on the left menu).

For specific questions regarding your participation, you can contact us  by mail  at

For specific questions regarding your stay in Nanjing, please contact Dr  LIN Wenming (

Looking forward to seeing you in Nanjing and exchanging on new results obtained with CFOSAT!l

Note that the CFOSAT meeting will followed by the face-to-face "International Ocean Vector Winds Science Team meeting 2023" at the same place on 30 Nov. – 1 Dec. 2023. For more information see,


Looking forward to seeing you in Nanjing and exchanging on new results obtained with CFOSAT!l

 Note that the CFOSAT meeting will followed by the face-to-face "International Ocean Vector Winds Science Team meeting 2023" at the same place on 30 Nov. – 1 Dec. 2023. For more information see,

Organizing committee

Organizing committee



SUN, Congrong (NSOAS/LORA)


HE, Yijun (NUIST)

LACHIVER, Jean-Michel (CNES)



LIN, Wenming (NUIST)

HAUSER, Danièle (CNRS)


MOUCHE Alexis (IFREMER-France)

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